As I spiraled over green paint colors for our family room, I ~very casually slash half jokingly~ tried dark chocolate brown paint in my photoshop mockup. And as I was filling each wall a color I never thought I’d use before – I fell head over heels. And I kept thinking no, no way can I do brown. It’s so bold! What about green! But I realized that the chocolate brown paint truly made all of the elements in the room standout in a way that light blue or dark green paint did not. I loved the way everything I chose for this room looked against the brown. So I did what I do best, started manic swatching. And decided on a dark chocolate brown with an LRV of only 9 – Benjamin Moore Mocha Brown.
I’ve been getting a lot of mixed opinions on the brown. Lots of supportive messages, lots of rude messages. It’s definitely not a popular choice, but one that I hope will make some doubters say “huh, that does look good” once I reveal this room.
I thought I’d do a post on my favorite brown rooms today. And going on record to say I’m not painting this room brown because it’s trendy. I stay away from interior related trends. But cool that it’s trending, I guess 🙂
Veere Grenney – design icon – uses brown a lot. Here’s his bedroom a la Frederic mag (first three photos are his)
Via Paloma Contreras
Brittany Bromley
Via Michael Lorber
Via Sarah Bartholomew Design
Mark D Sikes
Sarah Vaile Design
Via Alexander Interiors (actually can’t tell if this is a deep plum but it looks more brownish to me)
Via Matthew Carter Inteiors
Via Lindsay Speace
Via Sarah Bartholemew
Via Matthew Carter Interiors
And my friend/long lost cousin Nancy (casacavaliere) used a sophisticated aubergine in her bedroom – Farrow and Ball Brinjal. Not quite brown but definitely a bold, deep, beautiful color
Alisa, thank you for the inspiration! I love your posts and this one is particularly great. I don’t see a source for the very first photo, or am I missing it?