Instagram is not only a source for inspiration, but a place for community and where I spend most of my “online” time, especially lately with this whole quarantine situation.
(had to share this tweet that made me LOL)
While these designer’s don’t even scratch the surface of the other incredibly talented design accounts in the world of IG, these are ones I personally connect with and am inspired by. I have also found that someone else’s style doesn’t necessarily have to completely align with mine in order for me to become inspired by their work, and I can still have an appreciation for the details, elements and their overall aesthetic. I hope you can enjoy these accounts as much as I do!

I could not get enough of Alice’s work in the Parcell Home and House of Kennedy. I was particularly drawn to House of Kennedy because the layout and style of home seems very similar to ours, and I was in awe of some of her design solutions to transform a seemingly boring/boxy home.

I’m a sucker for Carlay’s aesthetic and her beautifully styled, layered vignettes

Not only is Seattle-based designer Lauren insanely talented, but she’s also incredibly sweet and a pleasure to talk to! I fell in love with her unique aesthetic and enjoyed watching the recent transformation of the scullery in her home.

I swear, Jessica’s NW Johnson Street House is one of my favorite full-home designs ever. I mean, look at this room:

Jean’s kitchen and bathroom designs (and use of green) never cease to stop my feed scrolling.

I adore Chicago-based designer Summer Thornton’s use of pattern and color and apartment feature in House Beautiful will always be a favorite of mine.

You guys know about my obsession with burl wood, flame mahogany and antique case goods, so you can imagine why I’m in love with The Ceh’s hand crafted custom furniture and designs. You can shop their hand crafted furniture here

Every photo that Heidi posts captures my attention and I love how she really owns her style.

I’m so drawn to DISC Interiors warm monochromatic color palette, natural elements and abundance of textures.

Have a great weekend!
JH interiors is one of my favs. Thanks for sharing these accounts, now I have new inspiration for my living room